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Welcome to our site – we hope that you find the information you are seeking to help plan your retirement. Our main headings were arrived at after extensive research into what people were expecting from their new lifestyle, but we do not intend to be complacent and think we have covered everything. In future we will very much depend on the feedback from you, our viewers, to let us know what additional subjects you want covered – if the demand is there we will act. We are aware that we have a long way to go yet with the site, but with your help we will get there.

Experience has taught us that everyone (no matter what age) who is preparing for retirement should get their finances sorted out as soon as possible, and we hope our FINANCE section will assist you.  In particular we recommend you complete the BUDGETING form to see just where you stand, and complete our questionnaire under INTERESTSThe future –as this may give you an insight into what kind of lifestyle you are aiming for and help you plan more easily.

We are a small company but rich in human resources – our thanks to all the consultants/counsellors and advisers who have worked so hard to get the site to this stage and who are aware of the hard work ahead to complete the task. 

Our best wishes for the future.

The Directors of Silverpot.

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