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Anyone thinking of investing has a choice of thousands of products around the world and various routes to take that will assist them reach a decision. Faced with such a daunting task, how do you decide where to start?

We hope the following information will point you in the right direction and help focus your mind on what is right for you.

If you require guidance and advice about your investment you have two options:-

Investment Statement
  • TIED ADVISERS can give you advice on products from their parent company – these advisers usually come from Banks, Building Societies and Insurance Companies.

  • INDEPENDENT FINANCIAL ADVISERS can give advice on products from a range of different companies. These advisers can come from small and large organisations; the latter usually have their own research facilities. You can telephone 0800 085 3250  or visit    to  get a list of  advisers in your local area. You will also see these companies advertise in the financial sections of various newspapers.
Both types of advisers should conduct an in-depth interview to find out exactly what your financial situation is. They should also establish your views on the degree of risk you are prepared to take and what you want your investment to produce for you, e.g. income or growth or a combination of both.

Following the interview, you should receive a written report outlining their advice and stating what commission their company would receive from the investment of your money. Most advisers are salaried but their company survives on the commission from sales plus commission for ongoing advice. If you choose to approach the companies they recommend direct, you will not receive the quoted commission rates but you might be lucky and negotiate a rebate in commission from the adviser.

Both advisers could also operate on a fee-based system but this is normally only beneficial with quite large amounts of money.

We then move on to:-

Investment Statement

  • DISCOUNT BROKERS, sometimes referred to as execution only advisers. They do not normally give specific advice but some provide research material and newsletters to help you decide what investment to choose You should have some investment knowledge, or some idea of what product to select before proceeding down this route. On the plus side you save money by getting commission rebated to you.
  • FUND SUPERMARKETS normally accessed via the Internet, allow you to invest your £7,000 ISA allowance between different funds – this is the latest route and it is becoming quite popular with Internet users.
Whatever route you choose, do take a personal interest in your investments, things change quickly in the financial scene and you and your adviser, if appropriate, must be prepared to alter the investment to allow you to gain maximum return on your money.

We at Silverpot hope the above information has cleared some of the mystique about investing.


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